event #7

6:45pm | Friday, September 15

Performance: Lou Sheppard

Dunlop Art Gallery - Regina Public Library, 2311 12th Avenue & Neutral Ground Artist Run Centre, 1835 Scarth Street

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Crepuscular Rhythms

Lonely Hearts Call

Crepuscular Rhythms

Crepuscular Rhythms is a performance score that notates dawn and dusk as queer times of day. Recognizing that twilight provides protective cover for non normative bodies and identities in our environment, Crepuscular Rhythms was originally performed as a series of walks while wearing light sensitized T-Shirts. For this iteration viewers will be given a light sensitized T-shirt will be invited to join Lou at dusk at Dunlop Art Gallery and walk via Victoria Park to Neutral Ground Gallery.

Lonely Hearts Call

As queer people, language that describes our identities and our bodies can be liberating – a moment of recognition, or violent – an erasure of our identity. Lonely Hearts Call imagines a dance floor, bass thudding in our chests, the light flashing on, off, on, suddenly revealing our bodies, then hiding us in the dark, then revealing us again. Off, on, off, a message spelled in morse code. Lonely Hearts Call illuminates how language can betray us – we are exposed by the flashing morse code message. But language can also make us – the light queer people and the loss of queer spaces from our communities, Lonely Hearts Call is both a lament and a call to connect.

Lonely Hearts Call is in complete darkness and involves an intermittent strobe light.

Gather at Dunlop Art Gallery @ 6:45pm. Depart Dunlop at 7:12pm and arrive @ Neutral Ground @ 7:47pm. Shortly afterward, Lou will commence his second performance Lonely Hearts Call for approximately 15 minutes.

Notes: See event #6 for artist talk by Lou Sheppard.

See event #1 for exhibition by Lou Sheppard.