Thursday, January 10 // Friday, January 11 // Saturday, January 12
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With the focus on oral expression - the mouth, speaking, singing, language, and listening - Perforum is a unique opportunity for this year’s artists to discuss their process, their work and perhaps to gather further insight into how oral communication has come to be their mode of creative expression. Join in on the dialogue, the exchange, or just come for lunch and listen.
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Sara Waldbillig is an out-spoken-word artist and a full time queer. With three years of poetry performance under her belt, Sara’s work has been presented nationally and has competed as a finalist at Tonight it’s Poetry, a monthly poetry slam in Saskatoon. With her first poetry performance show, One-Queer Show: Challenging the Identity of Woman in October 2012, Sara released her first chapbook, a collection of the pieces from the show. The theatrics of Sara Waldbillig produce a unique atmosphere of personalized space and cabaret where you never know quite what to expect. Sara will present segments from One-Queer Show – born from research on the History of Sexuality, 1950's lesbian pulp fiction and Sara's own gender and sexuality journey.
Ryan Bradshaw is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Saskatoon, also known as Conrad Fusion of the Rosebud Burlesque Club. Focusing mainly on performance poetry, Ryan blends his original writing with several theatrical elements and styles, including costuming, props, character and accent changes, striptease, dance and puppetry. In 2012, he wrote and performed his first independent poetry production, titled Thirteen Roses (13 acts about love and getting lucky). Off the stage, he showcases his poetry via Corby.Cards, his romantic greeting card company. Ryan will perform a variety of poems incorporating his love of theatrics and striptease.
Shayna Stock is a performance poet, facilitator, and community builder. A vibrant new voice in the spoken word community both nationally and in Regina where she lives, Shayna’s poetry explores themes as diverse as gender-based violence, her beloved bicycle, sexuality, privilege, and heartbreak. She is also founder and host of Regina’s monthly poetry slam, Word Up Wednesday. Her work is inspired by her explorations of love, sexuality and human interconnectedness and informed by anti-oppressive, feminist politics. Shayna will perform original works of poetry.
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This suite of spoken word pieces takes love – of others, of oneself, of place – and turns it on its side, rakes up all the crushed leaves and slugs that lay under it, composts it, and makes something new from this waste. As both the fattest man in the world and a bearded lady, Lucas Crawford leads audiences into a traveling sideshow of marvelously unstable loves. These pieces recoup trash and transience, gluttony and girth, spectacle and sweat, and excessive alliteration. After viewing the world through the kaleidoscope of the sideshow, it may well be impossible to see all acts framed by white-picket-fence-respectability as anything other than truly freaky...
Lucas Crawford is a poet, performer, teacher, and researcher who grew up in rural Nova Scotia and now lives in Montreal. Lucas is a postdoctoral fellow at McGill, where he has also taught Sexual Diversity Studies. Lucas’ poetry appears in The Antigonish Review, The Nashwaak Review, and Other Voices, and his academic work appears in Women’s Studies Quarterly, The Routledge Queer Studies Reader, and The Journal of Homosexuality among other places. His obsessions include: modernist fiction, gluttony, perfumery, and transgender.
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DeAnne Smith is a Montreal-based stand up comedian who is very good at comedy, but less good at writing about herself in the third person. I've never quite gotten the hang of it. She's done solo shows in a bunch of top-notch comedy festivals and has performed in the U.S., Australia, the UK, Iceland and Amsterdam. She's won awards (Sydney Comedy Festival Best Newcomer 2008), lost awards (two-time Canadian Comedy Award nominee, 2011 and 2012), and awarded herself Most Likely to High Five Audience Members After a Show. She's done a lot of really cool things, but at the moment is totally psyched that Elizabeth Banks (Yeah, Elizabeth Banks!) recently sent out a link to DeAnne's stand up on Twitter and called her "hilarious." Elizabeth Banks almost maybe kinda knows who DeAnne Smith is. DeAnne Smith is only one drunken night away from making out with Elizabeth Banks. Elizabeth Banks is totally pregnant with DeAnne Smith's love child.
But enough about Elizabeth Banks. What can you expect from DeAnne's show? An hour of "Cheerful, confident, and smart stand up" unless you're calling UK's The Guardian a liar. Are you? I didn't think so. The Montreal Gazette says DeAnne is "fresh, of the finest wits in the country" and Time Out Sydney praised her "witty, out-of-nowhere sideswipe punches." Scotsgay called her "an unstoppable force." DeAnne has also been called "selfish" and "passive-aggressive," but that was by an ex-girlfriend, not a comedy critic. See for more.