This workshop examines the significance of time in live performance. We will explore a variety of ways in which we can use time as an active element in our work. Working with time, against time and through time, we will investigate how actions, sites, objects and ourselves are impacted and altered. Serving as witnesses to each other’s work, we will also delve into the effects that playing with time has not only on ourselves as performers but on viewers as well.
The presence of time becomes apparent through material and physical processes. What happens when we allow processes to unfold in the time that they need? What occurs when we impose different time frames on them? Is it possible to control time?
A component of the workshop will be private writing, as well as group discussions on questions related to the topic of time, not just in the context of creating performances but in our everyday lives as well. We cannot separate our performance art from our daily life. Our lives continue to proceed even as our performances unfold through time.
Limited to 12 (but will take up to 15 if needed)
Particpants are encouraged to attend both days. If partcipants can only do one day it should be the first day only, not the second day only (it just won’t make sense if they are only there the second day!)
To register, please contact – BEFORE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 with subject line - WORKSHOP
Boston-based artist Marilyn Arsem has been creating live events since 1975, from solo gallery performances to large-scale, site-specific works at festivals, conferences, alternative spaces, galleries, museums and universities worldwide. Most recently she has focused on creating site-specific performances that are not planned in advance, but made in response to a location that is selected on arrival. She is a member and founder of Mobius, Inc., a Boston-based collaborative of interdisciplinary artists. She taught at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston for 27 years, establishing one of the most extensive.